After lunch I walked, or rather stumbled along, dragging my luggage with everything including the kitchen sink, to Kaikoura station, where I was to board a train to Jail!
Well almost! It was actually called Jailhouse accommodation, a former jail converted to backpackers hostel it was located conveniently just down the road from Christchurch station making it perfect for a 1 nights stopover on my way down to the South of New Zealand.
While waiting for my train spotted a massive pod of dolphins, which Kaikoura is famous for, just off the coast there must have been over 100 of them!

It has an Outdoor viewing carriage which was a fantastic way to take in the scenery and to take photos without the problem of having glass in the way!
For quite a while we followed coastline on one side and mountains on the other, and went through several tunnels taking us under and through some mountains, the journey then continued to Christchurch with some stunning mountain Scenery.

Arriving there, it still looked very realistic.
While most of the jail has been totally refurbished for backpacker accommodation, there are still samples of the original cells and the isolation chamber. So don't misbehave in your Dorm room else you could be chucked in here!
Who would have thought that Jail food would be as good as this! - Possibly the biggest piece of fish I’ve ever eaten, and there was a massive portion of chips wrapped separately as well!

If you realy enjoyed jail you could buy T-shirts or hoodies to let the world know that you love Jail!
That evening in Oamaru for one moment I though I was going to get sent back to jail when I got told off by a security officer for using my flash in taking photos of penguins, I had apparently disobeyed the rules of no flash photography when penquins are crossing!
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